ETW 2015 Banner

All available presentations have been posted

This is the preliminary call for participation in the NEPP Program's Annual Electronic Technology Workshop. The meeting will be held on June 23-26, 2015 at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD. This meeting will provide a wide dissemination to the aerospace community on current and future issues impacting space system design and reliability. Why attend? This meeting will present the two sides of the NEPP Program's efforts agency-wide:

The meeting this year will be a hybrid of past NEPP meetings:

  • Combined workshop of the annual NEPP Electronics Technology Workshop (ETW) with a focused CubeSat Electronics Workshop

  • Continued collaboration with National High Reliability Electronics Virtual Center (HiREV), and

  • Future electronics - what enables future space programs?
Contact Us

NEPP Co-Managers: Ken LaBel and Mike Sampson
Site Curator: Carl Szabo