Tin Whiskers on the Armature of an
Electromagnetic Relay
Read the
following article to learn more about failures attributed to tin whiskers
growing from this relay
G. Davy, "Relay
Failure Caused by Tin Whiskers",
Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems Technical Article, October 2002
See the Photo Gallery for a description
and more images of this relay
See Also the Video Gallery for
Demonstration of Tin Whisker Movement Due to Gentle Air Currents Where this
Relay was Used as the Test Specimen

Pure Tin-Plated Iron Armature Used as Part of the
INTERNAL Construction of a Hermetically Sealed Electromagnetic Relay.
Relay is ~14 Years Old. Photo was taken After Removal of the
External Case of this Device which then Revealed Extensive Growths of Tin
Whiskers with the Longer Whiskers Approaching 3 mm in Length. These
Whiskers are More than Long Enough to Cause Electrical Shorts Inside of
this Device.