It is with great pleasure that NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) Program co-managers Mike Sampson and Ken LaBel announce the 3rd Annual NEPP Electronic Technology Workshop (ETW). The event will be held in the Building 3 Auditorium June 11-13th, 2012 at NASA-GSFC in Greenbelt, MD. We will also provide WebEx/Dial-in access for the first time.
The NEPP ETW 2012 will provide a wide dissemination to the aerospace community beyond the parts, packaging, and radiation specialists on current and future issues impacting space system design and reliability.
Why attend? This meeting will discuss the two sides of the NEPP Program's efforts agency-wide.
To attend, you MUST fill out our online Registration form. There is no fee to register.
Download Presentation Materials from NEPP ETW 2012
View last year's ETW presentation materials.
NEPP Co-Managers: Ken LaBel & Mike Sampson
Site Curator: Carl Szabo