NEPP ETW 2012 Header

NEPP ETW 2012 Logistics and Arrangements

Nearby Airports:

Nearby Hotels:

Lunch Options:
Click here for a list (including maps) of nearby dining options (PDF)

Maps and Directions:
JPG Format- PDF format

Directions to NASA Goddard Space Flight Center From Washington, DC:
Take the Baltimore-Washington Parkway (Rt. 295) North to Greenbelt Road (Rt. 193). Take Greenbelt Road East for approximately two miles. The main gate will be on the left at the first traffic light after Cipriano Road. Take a left turn at the next light (ICESAT Rd.) to get to the Visitor Center.

From Baltimore:

Take the Baltimore-Washington Parkway (Route 295) South to NASA/Greenbelt Road exit (Rt. 193). At end of ramp turn left at traffic light. Turn left at the next light at Greenbelt Road (Rt. 193) and proceed for approximately two miles. The main gate will be on the left at the first traffic light after Cipriano Road. Take a left turn at the next light (ICESAT Rd.) to get to the Visitor Center.



NEPP Co-Managers: Ken LaBel & Mike Sampson
Site Curator: Carl Szabo