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Brittle Gold Plating on Contacts

2.  Brittle Gold Plating on Contacts

Exterior cracking was observed on 20 and 22 gauge pin and socket contacts. The contacts are constructed of gold plate over copper plate; SEM/EDS did not reveal any nickel underplate although a flash coat may be present. This condition occurred for all crimp tools used at this facility on these contacts. Brittle gold plating was the suspected cause.

Reference :
NASA-STD-8739.4 19.6 Inspection Criteria
2. Rejection Criteria. The following are unsatisfactory conditions and shall be cause for rejection:
c. Crimped Connections (1) Metal ferrules crimped with improper alignment. (2) Cracks in crimp barrel. (3) Birdcaging of conductor. (4) Wire strands not visible in inspection hole. (5) Peeling or flaking of plating on contact. (6) Damaged or deformed crimp contact. (7) Crimp indents not located in the correct area on the contact. (8) Tarnished, corroded, or contaminated crimp contact. (9) Improper insulation clearance. (10) Insulation whiskers that extend into the crimp barrel.

Deformed contact, SEM Images of surface cracks





Deformed contact, SEM Images of surface cracks