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Shield Damage on Connector

6.  Shield Damage on Connector

Improper handling resulted in this connector harness assembly failure. The flight cable assembly was apparently pulled and twisted resulting in the separation of the copper shield that covered the wires as well as the internal breaking of wires .

Reference :
16.3 Completed Interconnecting Harness and Cable Storage Protection 2. Overstressing and excessive flexing of wires shall be avoided during connector cleaning and mating/demating operations. This is especially important for solder-type connectors.

2. Rejection Criteria. The following are unsatisfactory conditions and shall be cause for rejection: e. Cable and Harness Assemblies: (4) Cracked, charred, or split insulation

19.6 Inspection Criteria
Rejection Criteria. The following are unsatisfactory conditions and shall be cause for rejection: (2) Nicked, gouged, damaged, or severed conductors. (3) Frayed conductor strands.

four connectors with shields

four connectors with shields