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Wire Distortion Due to Excessive Tie Wrap Tension

9.  Wire Distortion Due to Excessive Tie Wrap Tension

As a result of cable mishandling, this wire, which was part of a flight cable, fractured and resulted in a intermittent open and failure during test. The most likely cause of this failure is a tie wrap fastened too tight around the wire bundle placing excessive stress on individual wires.

Reference :
NASA-STD-8739.4 19.6 Inspection Criteria
1. Acceptance Criteria.
Acceptance criteria are described in Chapters 1 through 18, Appendix A and the following: (7) Cable and harness are not distorted by ties or clamps.

2. Rejection Criteria.
The following are unsatisfactory conditions and shall be cause for rejection: (1) Damaged, crushed, cut, or charred insulation. (2) Nicked, gouged, damaged, or severed conductors.

Deformed Wire

Deformed Wire