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Handling Damage to Trace

3. PWBs:  Improper handling resulting in PWB trace damage

PWB open circuit detected at receiving inspection - missed by supplier continuity test. May have been damaged after continuity test. Visible inspection was required in order to detect damage to trace.

Reference :
NASA-STD-8739.3 paragraph 11.1 5. Pattern Repair.
Repair of damaged or broken conductor patterns on PWB's is not permitted.
d. Verify that no damage exists on parts or PWB's prior to there being assembled and soldered. In addition, parts and PWB's shall be inspected to verify that solderability has been maintained.

2. Rejection Criteria.
The following are some characteristics of unsatisfactory conditions, any of which are cause for rejection: c. Printed Wiring Boards: (9) Repaired or damaged printed wiring conductor pattern.

PWB and close up of ripped trace