Basic Information Regarding Tin Whiskers |
What are Tin Whiskers?
What are the
Mechanisms by which Tin Whiskers Form?
are the Risks/Failure Mechanisms Associated with Tin Whiskers?
the Recent Attention to Tin Whiskers?
are the Commonly Reported Characteristics of Tin Whiskers?
Suggestions for Reducing Risk of Tin
Whisker Induced Failures

What are Tin Whiskers?
whiskers are electrically conductive, crystalline structures of tin that
sometimes grow from surfaces where tin (especially electroplated tin) is used as a final finish.
Tin whiskers have been observed to grow to
lengths of several millimeters (mm) and in rare instances to lengths in excess
of 10 mm. Numerous electronic system failures have been attributed to
short circuits caused by tin whiskers that bridge closely-spaced circuit elements maintained at
different electrical potentials.
whiskers are not a new phenomenon. Indeed, the first published reports of
tin whiskers date back to the 1940s and 1950s. Tin
is only one of several metals that is known to be capable of growing
whiskers. Other examples of metals that may form whiskers include
some tin alloys, zinc, cadmium, indium, antimony, silver among others .
sometimes confuse the term "whiskers" with a more familiar phenomenon
known as "dendrites" commonly formed by electrochemical migration
processes. Therefore, it is important to note here
that whiskers and dendrites are two very different phenomena. A
"Whisker" generally has the shape of a very thin, single filament or
hair-like protrusion that emerges outward (z-axis) from a surface.
"Dendrites", on the other hand, form in fern-like or snowflake-like
patterns growing along a surface (x-y plane) rather than outward from it.
The growth mechanism for dendrites is well-understood and requires some type of moisture
capable of dissolving the metal (e.g., tin) into a solution of metal ions which
are then redistributed by electromigration in the presence of an electromagnetic
field. While the precise mechanism for whisker formation remains unknown,
it is known that whisker formation does NOT require either dissolution of the
metal NOR the presence of electromagnetic field.

Tin "Whisker" shown
above growing between pure tin-plated hook terminals of an electromagnetic
similar to MIL-R-6106 (LDC 8913)
Photo Courtesy of Andre Pelham (Intern)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
"Dendrites" are NOT "Whiskers"

"Dendrites" shown above are NOT the same
phenomenon as "whiskers" |

Examples of Metal Whiskers on EEE Parts and Associated Hardware

What are the Mechanisms by which
Tin Whiskers Form?
The mechanisms by which tin whiskers grow have been
studied for many years. A single accepted explanation of
the mechanisms has NOT been established. Some theories suggest that tin
whiskers may grow in response to a mechanism of stress relief (especially
"compressive" stress) within the tin plating. Other theories contend that growth may be attributable to
recrystallization and abnormal grain growth processes affecting the tin grain
structure which may or may not be affected by residual stress in the tin plated
advocating "stress" as crucial for metal whisker formation point to
some commonly accepted factors
that can impart additional residual stress:
Residual stresses within the tin
plating caused by factors such as the plating chemistry and process.
Electroplated finishes (especially "bright" finishes) appear to be
susceptible to whisker formation reportedly because bright tin plating processes
can introduce greater residual stresses than other plating processes.
Intermetallic Formation:
The diffusion of the substrate material into the tin plating (or vice versa)
can lead to formation of
intermetallic compounds (such as Cu6Sn5 for a Sn over
Cu system) that alter
the lattice spacing in the tin plating. The change in lattice spacing
may impart stresses to the tin plating that may be relieved through the
formation of tin whiskers.
Externally Applied Compressive
Stresses such as
those introduced by torquing of a nut or
a screw or clamping against a tin-coated surface can sometimes produce
regions of whisker growth.
Bending or Stretching of the
surface after plating (such as during lead-formation prior to mounting of an
electronic component)
Scratches or nicks in the
plating and/or the substrate material introduced by handling,
probing, etc.
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
Mismatches between the plating material
and substrate

are the Risks/Failure Mechanisms Associated with Tin Whiskers?
Tin whiskers pose a serious reliability risk to electronic assemblies.
Several instances have been reported where tin whiskers have caused system
failures in both earth and space-based applications. To date, there are
reports of at least three tin whisker induced short circuits that resulted in complete
failure of on-orbit commercial satellites. There have also
been whisker-induced failures in medical devices, weapon systems, power plants,
and consumer products.
The general risks fall into four categories:
- Stable short circuits in low voltage, high
impedance circuits.
In such circuits there may be insufficient current available to fuse the
whisker open and a stable short circuit results. Depending on a variety of
factors including the diameter and
length of the whisker, it can take more than 50 milliamps (mA) to fuse open a
tin whisker.
- Transient short circuits.
At atmospheric pressure, if the available current exceeds the fusing current
of the whisker, the circuit may only experience a transient glitch as the
whisker fuses open.
- Metal Vapor Arc
If a tin whisker
initiates a short in an application environment possessing high levels of
current and voltage, then a VERY DESTRUCTIVE phenomenon known as a Metal
Vapor Arc can occur. The ambient pressure, temperature and the
presence of arc suppressing materials also affect metal vapor arc formation.
In a metal vapor arc, the solid metal whisker is vaporized into a plasma of
HIGHLY CONDUCTIVE metal ions (more conductive than the solid whisker itself).
This plasma can form an ARC capable of carrying HUNDREDS OF AMPERES.
Such arcs can be sustained for long duration (several seconds) until
interrupted by circuit protection devices (e.g., fuses, circuit breakers) or
until other arc extinguishing processes occur. This kind of arcing is
happening in the metal vapor. When an arc quenching agent (e.g., air) is
present, more power must be installed into the event to replace power lost to
the non-interesting processes happening in the quenching agent.
Therefore, as air pressure is reduced, less power is required to initiate and
sustain a whisker-induced metal vapor arc. For example, past experiments**
have demonstrated that at
atmospheric pressures of about 150 torr, a tin whisker could initiate a
sustained metal vapor arc where the supply voltage was approximately 13 Volts
(or greater) and supply current was 15 Amps (or greater). Tin (or other
materials) from the adjacent surfaces can help to sustain the arc until the
available material is consumed or the supply current is interrupted. Metal
vapor arcs in vacuum are
reported to have occurred on at least three commercial satellites resulting in blown
fuses that rendered the spacecraft non-operational.
** J.H. Richardson, and B.R. Lasley, "Tin Whisker Initiated Vacuum Metal Arcing in Spacecraft Electronics," 1992 Government Microcircuit Applications Conference, Vol. XVIII, pp. 119 - 122, November 10 - 12, 1992.
- Debris/Contamination.
Whiskers or parts of whiskers may break loose and bridge isolated conductors
or interfere with optical surfaces

the Recent Attention to Tin Whiskers?
The current worldwide initiative to
reduce the use of potentially hazardous
materials such as lead (Pb) is driving the electronics industry to consider
alternatives to the widely used tin-lead alloys used for plating. For example,
the European Union has enacted legislation known as the Restriction of certain
Hazardous Substances (RoHS) and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
Directives which have set June 2006 as deadlines for electronic equipment
suppliers to eliminate most uses of Pb from their products. It is widely
believed (though reasons remain somewhat of a mystery) that Pb when alloyed with
tin imparts whisker-inhibiting attributes to the final finish.
With respect to factors such as solderability, ease of manufacture and
compatibility with existing assembly methods,
pure tin plating is seen by the industry as a potentially simple and cost
effective alternative. In fact, many manufacturers have been offering pure tin
plated components as a standard commercial (and in some cases high reliability)
product for years while others are exploring pure tin alternatives for the very
first time. Many electronics manufacturers have never heard of the
phenomenon of tin whiskers and therefore, may not consider the risks of tin
whisker growth during the validation of new plating systems.
Continuing reports of tin whisker-induced failures coupled with the lack of
industry accepted understanding of tin
whisker growth factors and/or proven and reliable test methods to identify whisker-prone products
has made a blanket acceptance of pure tin
plating a risky proposition for high reliability systems. Still,
organizations such as NASA and the DoD may soon be faced with few options other
than pure tin plating since the desires of the commercial market for
environmentally friendly components carry far more weight than the
infinitesimally small market share of the high reliability user.

are the Commonly Reported Characteristics of Tin Whiskers?
vast disparity in the observations reported by different experimenters is
evidence of the complications associated with understanding and controlling tin
whiskers. The
following list is intended to provide a very basic overview of some of the
observed characteristics of tin
Shapes: Whiskers
may be straight, kinked,
hooked or forked. Their outer surfaces are often
grooved. Some growths may form as nodules or pyramidal structures.
(Dormancy) Period: Experimenters report the incubation period may range from days
to years. This attribute of whisker growth is particularly concerning
because meaningful experiments to determine the propensity for a particular
process to form whiskers may need to span very long periods of time.
Rate: Growth rates from 0.03 to 9 mm/yr have been reported.
Growth is highly variable and is likely to be determined by a
complex relationship of factors including plating chemistry, plating
thickness, substrate
materials, grain structure and environmental storage conditions.
Whisker Length: Whiskers
as long as a few millimeters are not uncommon with some experimenters
observing whiskers in excess of 10 mm (400 mils) in length. Only a few
researchers have measured the distribution of whisker lengths for specific
specimens. Invariably, these researchers report the length
distribution fits a lognormal distribution.
Diameter: Typical diameters are a few microns with some reports in
excess of 10 um and rarely less than 100 nm.
Factors: There is a great deal of contradictory information
regarding environmental factors that might affect whisker formation. Several
organizations are attempting to devise accelerated test methods to determine
a particular plating process's propensity to form tin whiskers.
However, to date, there are no accepted test methods for evaluating whisker
propensity. Indeed, much of the experimental data compiled to date has
produced contradictory findings regarding which factors accelerate
(or retard) whisker growth.
Some experimenters report that
ambient temperatures of approximately 50°C are optimal for whisker
formation, while others
observe that room temperatures (22°C to 25°C)
grow whiskers faster. Reportedly, whisker growth ceases at
temperatures above 150°C |
Whiskers will grow in vacuum as well as earth based atmospheric
pressure. |
Moisture: Some observe that whiskers form more readily in high
humidity (85% RH) whereas others report moisture is not a contributing
factor |
Cycling: Some experimenters report that thermal cycling
increases the growth rate of whiskers, but others report no effect due
to thermal cycling. |
Field: Whiskers
grow spontaneously without requiring an applied electric field to encourage
their growth. Some recent observations of tin whisker induced
field problems in the commercial sector seem to suggest that an electric
field could stimulate whisker growth, but more analysis is required to
confirm these effects (if any). GSFC has demonstrated that whiskers can
bend due to the forces of electrostatic attraction thus increasing the
likelihood of tin whisker shorts (ref.
to GSFC experiment #4). |
Prone Processes: There is tremendous debate in the industry
regarding which plating processes are prone to whisker
formation. Most of the literature agrees that "pure
tin" electroplated surfaces (especially those that employ brighteners
in the plating process) are the most susceptible to whisker formation.
There are also reports that tin-lead plating can grow whiskers;
however, such whiskers are generally reported to be less than 50um long.

Suggestions for Reducing Risk of Tin
Whisker Induced Failures:
uncertainties associated with tin whisker growth make it extremely difficult to
predict if/when tin whiskers may appear. The following list provides some
suggestions for reducing the risk of tin whisker induced failures.
Avoid the use of PURE TIN plated components if possible. Utilization of procurement specifications that have clear
restrictions against the use of pure tin plating is highly recommended. Most
(but not all) of the commonly used military specifications currently
have prohibitions against pure tin plating. Studies have shown that alloying tin
with a second metal reduces the propensity for whisker
growth. Alloys of tin and lead are generally considered to be acceptable where
the alloy contains a minimum of 3% lead by
weight. Although some experimenters have reported whisker growth from tin-lead
alloys, such whiskers have also been reported to be dramatically smaller
than those from pure tin plated surfaces and are believed to sufficiently
small so as not to pose a significant risk for the geometries of today's
Post Procurement It can be dangerous to rely
on the part manufacturer's certification that pure tin plating was not used
in the production of the product supplied. NASA GSFC is aware of several
instances where the procurement specification required "No Pure Tin", but
the product supplied was later determined to be pure tin. In some of
these instances, tin whisker growths were also discovered. Users are
advised to analyze the plating composition of the products received as an
independent verification.
When simple avoidance of pure tin
plating is not a viable option (such as in cases where its use is discovered
late in system integration/test), then the following approaches may also be
considered to reduce risk.
Solder Dip the plated
sufficiently using a tin-lead solder to completely reflow and alloy the
tin plating. Obviously, special precautions are required
to prevent thermal shock induced damage, to
prevent loss of hermeticity and to avoid thermal degradation.
This approach may have limited success since it may be difficult to ensure that
the entire surface is properly reflowed. See the April
2004 Photo of the Month for one example of the limitations associated
with this particular mitigation strategy.
Replate the whisker prone
areas. Some manufacturers may be willing to strip
the pure tin plate from finished products and re-plate
using a suitable alternate plating material such
as tin/lead or Nickel. Caution is advised if considering use of an
external plated finish (e.g., Sn-Pb or Cu) on top of an existing pure tin
deposit. There is some evidence that whiskers may still form from the
pure tin layer and protrude through the thin external deposit.
Conformal Coat or foam
encapsulation over
the whisker prone surface can significantly reduce the risk of electrical
short circuits caused by whiskers. The choice of coating material,
thickness and possible degradation with time/environmental exposure can
impact the effectiveness of the coating. NASA GSFC
experiments have shown that use of Arathane 5750 (formerly Uralane 5750) conformal
when applied uniformly to a nominal 2 to 3 mils thickness can provide
significant benefit by containing whisker growth outward through the
coating. This coating is also resistant to being penetrated by whiskers
attempting to puncture the coating from the outside.
See also the following research
by Dr. Tom Woodrow (Boeing) in which he evaluated 6
different conformal coat materials for purposes of inhibiting whisker
formation and subsequent shorting hazards.
It has
also been observed experimentally that conformal coating
can restrict the availability of tin sufficiently
to minimize the risk of plasma formation during a shorting event. However,
factors as the minimum thickness of conformal coating necessary
to prevent plasma formation have
not been determined. Similarly, it has been
shown that foam can prevent sustained arcing but
the effects of foam type, foam density, pore size etc.
have not been evaluated.
Evaluate Application
Specific Risks. A variety of application specific considerations
may be used to assess the risk of whisker induced failures and assist in
making "use as-is" or "repair/replace" decisions.
These factors include circuit geometries that are sufficiently large to
preclude the risk of a tin whisker short, mission criticality, mission
duration, collateral risk of rework, schedule and cost. To assist in
evaluating application specific risks, David Pinsky (Raytheon) has developed
a tin
whisker risk assessment algorithm which can be reviewed
reference to this algorithm herein DOES NOT imply endorsement by NASA
In 2002, Dr. Mike Osterman (CALCE Center at the University of Maryland)
published a white
paper outlining pros and cons of assorted strategies for mitigating risks
associated with tin whiskers.
