Metal Whisker References |
section of the www site is a repository for reference information on
whiskers that may form on metal finishes OTHER than pure Tin. Follow
for a comprehensive listing of TIN whisker reference materials.
(i.e., Non-Tin) METAL WHISKERS

(Zn) Whiskers
Gallery of Zinc Whiskers Found on Raised Floor Structures
J. Brusse, M. Sampson, "Zinc
Whiskers: Hidden Cause of Equipment Failure", IEEE IT
Professional Magazine, 2004 Nov/Dec, Vol. 6 No. 6, pp 43-47
H. Reynolds, R. Hilty, "Investigations of Zinc (Zn) Whiskers using FIB Technology",
IPC/JEDEC Boston, Dec. 2004
Technical Presentation: http://www.tycoelectronics.com/customersupport/rohssupportcenter/pdf/Zn_whisker_IPC_2004_pres.pdf
"Zinc whiskers found in War Memorial",
ComputerWorld-Australia, M. Crawford, Aug. 12, 2004
Whiskers Zap PCs in Secretary of State's Office", The Denver Post, A.
Svaldi, July 1, 2004, Page C-01
"Zinc whiskers tangle data centre ops",
ComputerWorld-Australia, J. Bajkowski, Feb. 12, 2004
"Zinc Whisker
Detail", Worldwide Environmental Services,
Whisker Awareness: Could Zinc Whiskers Be Impacting Your Electronics?",
J. Brusse QSS Group at NASA Goddard - Technical Presentation, April 2003
- Zinc
Whisker Contamination: A Paper on the Effect and Abatement of
Zinc Whiskers in Data Processing Centers, D. Loman (HP
- "Are
Zinc Whiskers Growing in Your Computer Room?", R. Hill (Data
Clean Corp.)
Whisker Induced Failures in Electronic Systems", ERA Technology, Winter
Your Computer Floor Corrupting Your Data? - You May Be Suffering from Zinc
Whiskers", DCA Technologies, Australia
- Invisible 'Zinc Whiskers' Cause Troubles in Machine Rooms at Banks, Data Centers,
Nikkei Electronics Asia, Dec. 2002
- "Cheese
and Whiskers", In-Business South Australia, Dec 2002/Jan
2004, D. Twiss
- "Zinc
Whisker Contamination of Electronics", MATCO Associates
- "What
Nasty Little Things are Lurking Inside Your Data Center?"
Unisys World Monthly, Nov. 2002
- "Method for sampling and testing data centers for metallic particulates
(including zinc whiskers)" HP US Patent Application #20020162405,
Nov. 2002
- "Zinc
Whiskers: What are they and how do we deal with them?"
Cooper B-Line
- "Floating
Zinc Whiskers Strike at PC Systems", u-the Inquirer
- "Sun
Microsystems Best Practices Guide", Sun Microsystems, July 2000
- Apnea Monitor Failures: J.
Downs, "The Phenomenon of Zinc Whisker Growth and the Rotary
Switch (or, How the Switch Industry Captured the Abominable
Snowman)", Metal Finishing, August 1994, pp. 23-25
- "Zinc Whiskers Growing on Raised Floor Tiles are Causing Conductive Contamination Failures and Equipment Shutdowns",
The Uptime Institute
- "Zinc
Whiskers on Floor Tiles", Infinite Access Floors
- "BACS Floor Maintenance and Treatment- Zinc Whisker Remediation", BACS
Contamination Control - Australia
- "Precautions
Against Zinc Whiskers", Compaq
- "Zinc
Whiskers Overview", Infinite Access Floors-Australia
- "Zinc
Whiskers (Finishing Dot Com Forum Discussion)", Finishing Dot Com
- D. Conwell, "Zinc Whisker Shorting in
Vacuum", LMAO Astronautics Mission Success, July 20, 2001
- T. Nagai, K. Natori and T. Furusawa, "Rate of
Short Circuit Caused by Whisker Growth on Zn Electroplated Steels in
Electronic Appliance", J. Japan Inst. Metals, vol. 53,
no. 3, pp. 303 - 307, 1989
- T. Takemura, M. Kobayashi, M. Okutani, T.
Kakeshita and K. Shimizu, "Relation Between the Direction of
Whisker Growth and the Crystallographic Texture of Zinc
Electroplate", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1 -
Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers, vol. 25, no. 12,
pp. 1948-1949, 1986
- U. Lindborg, "A Model for the Spontaneous Growth of
Zinc, Cadmium, and Tin Whiskers," Acta Metallurgica, vol. 24, p.
181, 1976
- U. Lindborg, "Observations on the Growth of Whisker
Crystals from Zinc Electroplate", Metallurgical Transactions A -
Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 1581-1586,
August 1975
- P.L. Key, "Surface Morphology of Whisker Crystals of
Tin, Zinc and Cadmium," IEEE Electronic Components Conference, pp.
155-157, May, 1970 or 1977

Silver (Ag) Whiskers
- B. Chudnovsky, "Degradation
of Power Contacts in Industrial Atmosphere: Silver Corrosion and
Whiskers", 48th IEEE
Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts 2002, pp 140 - 150.
- E. Walker, "Whisker Growth on Silver Tipped
Contacts. Report on investigation of an electrical accident at Coking
plant in 1979", UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE), UK British
Standard Institute (BSI), 1999.
- J. Muniesa, “The growth of whiskers on Ag
surfaces", Proc. International Conference on Electric Contact
Phenomena, Pub. VDE-Verlag GmbH, Berlin, 1982, pp. 56-59, June 1982.
- Kenneth A. Riddle, "Tin plating versus silver
plating and the use of silver alloys on electrical equipment for the
paper industry", Conference record of 1990 Annual Pulp and Paper
Industry Technical Conference, Seattle, WA, pp. 32-36, June 1990.

Gold (Au) Whiskers
- "Gold Whiskers:
Introducing a New Member to the Family", A. Teverovsky,
Internal NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Memorandum, April 2003

Cadmium (Cd) Whiskers
- U. Lindborg, "A Model for the Spontaneous Growth
of Zinc, Cadmium, and Tin Whiskers," Acta Metallurgica,
vol. 24, p. 181, 1976
- P.L. Key, "Surface Morphology of Whisker
Crystals of Tin, Zinc and Cadmium," IEEE Electronic Components
Conference, pp. 155-157, May, 1970 or 1977
- M.O. Peach, "Mechanism of Growth of Whiskers on
Cadmium", Unknown Publisher (only the Letters to the editor at
the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana), September 11,

Aluminum (Al) Whiskers
- "A New Failure Mechanism: Al-Si
Bond Pad Whisker Growth During Life Test", T. Turner and R.
Parsons, IEEE Trans. on Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing
Technology, Vol. CHMT-5 No. 4, Dec. 1982

Lead (Pb) Whiskers
Evolution and Interfacial Properties in the Fe-Pb System", J.P.
Monchoux, E. Rabkin, Acta Materialia 50 (2002), 3159–3174
"Inverse AC Josephson
Effect in Superconducting In and Pb Whiskers, B. Damaschke, R. Tidecks,
Z. Physics B. Condensed Matter 77, 17-23, 1989
"Whiskers from the
In-Pb System: Growth, Handling and Characteristic
Properties", T. Werner, R. Tidecks, B. Johnston, Journal of
Crystal Growth 73 (1985), 467-481
"Pb Whisker Growth
from Liquid Phase on Pb-Alloy Josephson Device Chips", Y.
Takeuchi, K. Fujiwara, Journal of Applied Physics 54 (10), Oct. 1983,
"Combinations of
Third Order Elastic Constants of Pb", B. Powell, M. Skove,
Journal of Applied Physics 51 (6), June 1980, 3433-34
"Thermal Strain in Pb
Thin Films V: Strain Relaxation Above Room Temperature", M.
Murakami, T. Kuan, Thin Solid Films 66 (1980), 381-394
"Filamentary Crystals
Grown from the Solid Metal", G. Sines, Journal of the Physical
Society of Japan, Vol. 15 No. 7, July 1960, 1199-121

Indium (In)
"Inverse AC Josephson
Effect in Superconducting In and Pb Whiskers, B. Damaschke, R. Tidecks,
Z. Physics B. Condensed Matter 77, 17-23, 1989
"Whiskers from the
In-Pb System: Growth, Handling and Characteristic
Properties", T. Werner, R. Tidecks, B. Johnston, Journal of
Crystal Growth 73 (1985), 467-481
"Filamentary Crystals
Grown from the Solid Metal", G. Sines, Journal of the Physical
Society of Japan, Vol. 15 No. 7, July 1960, 1199-121
"Some Aspects of
Bonding Solder Deterioriation Observed in Long-Lived Semiconductor
Lasers: Solder Migration and Whisker Growth", K. Mizuishi,
Journal of Applied Physics 55 (2), 15 Jan 1984, 289-95
"Reliability and
Degradation of Semiconductor Lasers and LEDs", M. Fukuda, 1991
Artech House Inc., Chapters 4 and 9