New |
Date |
Update |
10/03/11 |
Added the following reference:
12/10/10 |
references as follows:
11/01/10 |
references as follows:
do whiskers and hillocks grow in Pb-free Sn coatings?
mechanisms controlling stress evolution and whisker growth", E.
Chason/Brown University
05/05/10 |
New reference:
03/10/10 |
Updates to:
02/23/10 |
Added new reference:
08/03/09 |
Added new reference:
of Nickel Underlayer as a Tin Whisker Mitigator", L.
Panashchenko, M. Osterman, ECTC, May 2009
06/16/09 |
Added new references:
05/07/09 |
Added new reference
02/05/09 |
Added new references
12/18/08 |
07/14/08 |
the following reference: "Tin Whiskers with Special Morphology
", H. Hao, Y.
Shi, Beijing University of Technology, July 2008 |
06/23/08 |
Added new references: P.
Snugovsky, et al, "Whisker Growth on SAC Solder Joints:
Microstructural Analysis", SMTA Toronto, May 2008
Added several NASA metal whisker
presentations given to various conferences and industry groups
 | 2nd
International Symposium on Tin Whiskers, Tokyo, Japan, April 24, 2008 |
 | Association
for Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) Cardiac Rhythm
Management Device (CRMD) Committee, San Francisco, CA, May 13, 2008 |
Consortium Meeting, Owego, NY, June 18, 2008 |
 | Nuclear
Procurement Issues Committee (NUPIC) Meeting, Cherry Hill, NJ, June
19, 2008 |
06/09/08 |
Added Anecdote
#6: "Tin Whiskers in Swiss Radio and Telephones Observed in
1981" |
04/08/08 |
reference: "Whisker
and Hillock formation on Sn, Sn–Cu and Sn–Pb electrodeposits",
W.J. Boettinger, Acta Materialia 53, 2005, pp. 5033-55. |
01/02/08 |
Added reference: "Tin
Whiskers in Electronic Circuits", G. Stupian, Aerospace Report
No. TR-92(2925)-7, pp. 1 - 21, December 20, 1992.
(Used with Permission of The Aerospace Corporation) |
12/10/07 |
new reference: "Metal
Whiskers: Failure Modes & Mitigation Strategies", J. Brusse,
H. Leidecker, L. Panashchenko, MRQW, Dec. 2007 |
07/09/07 |
Added New reference by G. Eng.,
et al, "Review
of Aerospace Corp. Pre- and Post-Project 1998 Tin Whisker Work",
The Aerospace Corp. Internal Presentation, et al, Apr. 2003 |
06/21/07 |
Added New References by Eng
re: Tin Plasmas from Tin Whisker Induced Electrical Shorts.
06/14/07 |
Added New References by Garich
and Barr (1,
Updated Reference Listing to
Capture 2007 CALCE Intl Whisker Symposium |
05/22/07 |
 | Added 2 NASA references (Leidecker
and Nishimi)
published at the 2007 Intl. Symposium on Tin Whiskers hosted by CALCE
at the Univ. of Maryland |
 | Added a whisker video
produced by the NASA Shuttle Logistics Depot (NSLD) about the tin
whisker infestation discovered in the Space Shuttle avionics boxes in
2006 |
03/08/07 |
Added 4 newly approved Videos
of tin whiskers on assorted items (card rails, connectors, transformer
cans, and RF enclosures). |
12/05/06 |
Added Metal
Dendrite (Not WHISKER) Content prepared by A. Cyganowski (Notre Dame
Prep High School) during NASA Internship in summer 2006 |
10/19/06 |
Added T. Woodrow (Boeing) technical
references: 1) Tracer
Diffusion of Tin using Tin Isotopes 2) Conformal
Coatings for Whisker Mitigation Part II |
06/15/06 |
Added additional videos
of metal whiskers (terminal lugs, variable air capacitor) |
05/08/06 |
Added reference: "Tin
Whiskers: A History of Documented Electrical System Failures", H.
Leidecker, J. Brusse |
05/02/06 |
Added Videos
of tin whiskers on lock washer and inside of tin-plated transistor
packages |
04/27/06 |
Added Videos
to Provide Guidelines for Optical Inspection of PWBs for Metal Whiskers |
08/29/05 |
Added link to Oct. 2005 NIST
Workshop on "Restricted Substances in Materials:
Testing and Reporting Procedures Workshop"
Added links to 2 technical bulletins from Westinghouse Nuclear with
07/21/05 |
Added tech reference about US-based
Nuclear Reactor shutdown due to tin whisker induced short circuit in
April 2005 |
05/31/05 |
Updated FAQ to clarify info regarding the
formation of whisker-induced metal vapor
arcs at reduced atmospheric pressure.
Minor additional edits to FAQ to provide references/links to info
regarding mitigation strategies for tin whiskers. |
05/02/05 |
Added link to T. Woodrow PRESENTATION
of Conformal Coatings as a Tin Whisker Mitigation Strategy", IPC/JEDEC 8th International Conference on Pb-Free Electronic
Components and Assemblies, San Jose, CA, April 18-20, 2005 |
04/20/05 |
Added citations + links to recent papers:
- T. Woodrow, "Evaluation
of Conformal Coatings as a Tin Whisker Mitigation Strategy",
IPC/JEDEC 8th International Conference on Pb-Free Electronic
Components and Assemblies, San Jose, CA, April 18-20, 2005
- K. Chen, G. Wilcox, "Observations
of the Spontaneous Growth of Tin Whiskers on Tin-Manganese Alloy
Electrodeposits", Physical Review Letters 94, Feb. 17, 2005,
pp. 066104-1 to 066104-4
- M. Barsoum, et al, "Driving
Force and Mechanism for Spontaneous Metal Whisker Formation",
Physical Review Letters 93, Nov. 10, 2004, pp. 206104-1 to 206104-4
01/12/05 |
Added MORE Whisker Anecdotes
- Whisker
Anecdote #3 about field failures due to tin whiskers breaking loose from
RF lids
- Whisker
Anecdote #5 about field failures due to tin whiskers from
"bright" tin-plated circuit breaker contacts
Added Link to EU
RoHS Stakeholder Consultation and Feedback
from Community to Date
Added more
links to zinc whisker articles
J. Brusse, M. Sampson, "Zinc
Whiskers: Hidden Cause of Equipment Failure", IEEE IT
Professional Magazine, 2004 Nov/Dec, Vol. 6 No. 6, pp 43-47
H. Reynolds, R. Hilty, "Investigations of Zinc (Zn) Whiskers using FIB Technology",
IPC/JEDEC Boston, Dec. 2004
"Zinc whiskers found in War Memorial",
ComputerWorld-Australia, M. Crawford, Aug. 12, 2004
Whiskers Zap PCs in Secretary of State's Office", The Denver Post, A.
Svaldi, July 1, 2004, Page C-01
"Zinc whiskers tangle data centre ops",
ComputerWorld-Australia, J. Bajkowski, Feb. 12, 2004
Added Copyright Notice to banner |
01/05/04 |
Added Whisker
Anecdote about GPS units with Tin Whiskers on the RF Shields
Added link to Fortune
Magazine article about Tin Whiskers
Added additional Tin
Whisker Reference Citations
11/08/04 |
Added example of Tin
Whiskers on a tin-plated Ka band Waveguide
Added example of Tin Whiskers on Matte
Tin-Plated Copper Leadframes after 3 Years Ambient Storage
Added MORE comprehensive gallery
of Zinc Whisker images from raised floor structures
Added example of
Zinc Whiskers growing on Zinc-plated steel bus rail |
08/23/04 |
Added GOLD
Whisker reference from A. Teverovsky
Updated Reference Listings for OTHER
Metal Whisker Section to include references to Gold, Indium,
Aluminum, Lead (Pb), etc. whiskers |
04/26/04 |
Added New Photo of the
Month: Limitations of Hot Solder
Dip to Mitigate Tin Whisker Formation |
12/16/03 |
Added New reference material: H.
Leidecker, "Whiskers
of Sn-Pb on REFLOWED Die Attach Solder Used in the Manufacture of Laser
Diode Arrays", December 2003
Added New Photo of the Month: Sn-Pb
Added GEIA Bulletin Link: "GEB-0002:
Reducing the Risk of Tin Whisker-Induced Failures in Electronic Systems",
December 2003
11/11/03 |
Added New reference
material: J. Brusse, "A
Discussion of the Significance of Metal Whisker Formation to the High
Reliability Community", Nov. 2003
Updated the Basic Info/FAQ link with
clarification that metal vapor arcs are NOT exclusive to vacuum
environments. |
10/06/03 |
Updated Link References to
External Sources of Info. Added to Literature Reference Listing |
09/03/03 |
Whisker reference and New Photo of the
Month |
04/08/03 |
Added Zinc Whisker Awareness
Presentation, "Zinc
Whiskers: Could Zinc Whiskers Be Impacting Your Electronics?", J.
Brusse, April 2, 2003
Added New Photo of the Month: Zinc
Whiskers on Floor Tiles (Computer Room) |
03/11/03 |
Added New reference
material: G. Galyon, "Annotated
Tin Whisker Bibliography", NEMI Publication , pp 1-21, Feb 2003 |
02/27/03 |
Added New reference
Material: D. Romm, et al, "Whisker
Evaluation for Tin-Plated Logic Component Leads", Texas
Instruments Application Note SZZA037A, February 2003
Updated External Links on "Whisker
Failures" page and added emphasis that satellite failures
reported are NON-NASA assets. |
02/10/03 |
Added New Reference Material: G.
Davy, "Relay
Failure Caused by Tin Whiskers", Northrop Grumman Electronic
Systems Technical Article, October 2002
Added link to www site announcing the TMS
Tin Whisker Workshop (San Diego, CA March 2, 2003)
Added additional ZINC
Whisker reference links
12/26/02 |
Added New Reference Material Link to www
site under Hot Topic, Whisker Failures and Literature References.
12/23/02 |
Added New Reference
Material Links
C. Stevens, "Relay
Failures Induced by the Growth of Tin Whiskers: A Case Study",
IEEE Boston Reliability Chapter 38th Annual Spring Reliability Symposium, May
16, 2001
B.D. Dunn, "Mechanical
and Electrical Characteristics of Tin Whiskers with Special Reference to
Spacecraft Systems," European Space Agency (ESA) Journal, 12, pp.
1-17, January 14, 1988.
B.D. Dunn, "A
Study of Tin Whisker Growth", European Space Agency (ESA) STR-223,
pp. 1 - 50, September 1987.
B.D. Dunn , "Whisker
Formation on Electronic Materials", ESA Scientific and Technical Review,
vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1-22, 1976.
11/19/02 |
07/08/02 |
 | Added additional references to Literature
References page including QSS Group/NASA GSFC paper/slide
presentation entitled "Tin Whisker Observations on Pure
Tin-Plated Ceramic Chip Capacitors (AESF SUR/FIN June 2002) |
 | Added multiple reference links for ZINC
WHISKER issues |
 | Added more examples of Components with Tin Whiskers (Test
Points) |
 | Added archive for Photo of the Month |
04/25/02 |
 | Updated Experiment #2 with the Observations of
Tin Whiskers growing through "thin" Conformal Coat material |
 | Updated Experiment #5 with
more recent information about tin whiskers on ceramic chip capacitors |
 | Created Experiment
#7 section: Examination of Matte Tin Plated ICs |
 | Created Tin Whisker
Anecdotes section and added Anecdote #1 discussing the tin whisker
induced failure of an electronic system 20 years after it was put into
field service. |
 | Added additional references to Literature
References page including NASA GSFC and The Aerospace Corporation
paper/slide presentation entitled "Tin Whiskers: Attributes and
Mitigation" (CARTS 2002) |
 | Added DISCLAIMER statement to homepage. |
09/11/01 |
 | Addition of B. Dunn Reference to list of reference
materials: "Metallurgical assessment of
spacecraft parts, materials and processes" published by Praxis
Publishing, Chichester, UK 1997, - see Chapter 7 "Whisker
Growths" pp 515 - 548 |
09/10/01 |
 | Official Release of Whisker WWW Site |
08/24/01 |
 | Complete Overhaul of the Tin Whisker Homepage Navigation
Structure |