NEPP ETW 2011 Header

ETW 2011 Preliminary Call for Participation


This is the preliminary call for participation in the NEPP Program's Electronic Technology Workshop. The meeting will be held on June 28-30, 2011 at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD. This meeting will provide a wide dissemination to the aerospace community beyond the parts, packaging, and radiation specialists on current and future issues impacting space system design and reliability.

Why attend? This meeting will discuss the two sides of the NEPP Program's efforts agency-wide.

Come hear the latest NEPP research on radiation, reliability, and qualification methods for space electronics. Topics may include (but not limited to):

Format will be 2.5 days of presentations. A panel discussion is TBD.

To attend this meeting you MUST:
Pre-register (there is no registration fee, however), but space is limited
Non-U.S. citizens are allowed, but must follow the instructions on the NEPP website


NEPP Co-Managers: Ken LaBel & Mike Sampson
Site Curator: Carl Szabo