NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging Program

ILPM & Established COTS List

The following is a list of Industry Leading Parts Manufacturers (ILPMs) and corresponding "Established COTS Parts", as defined by the NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) Technical Assessment Phase II Report on Recommendations on the Use of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical (EEE) Parts for NASA Missions (NASA/TM-20220018183). NASA has developed a relationship with the manufacturer to obtain company and product information that verifies the manufacturer and specified product line meets the general criteria outlined in the NESC recommendations. The information contained herein is presented for guidance to projects when considering usage of these products in space applications. The guidance does not distinguish between critical or non-critical systems, and a given project will need to apply the appropriate measures when utilizing these parts based on their risk posture. A mission-specific approach tailored to a project's Mission, Environment, Applications and Lifetime (MEAL) requirements should be developed and approved by program/project managers. Any associated risks should be clearly identified, quantified, mitigated, and/or accepted. Neither the United States Government (USG) nor any person acting on behalf of the USG assumes any liability resulting from the use of the information contained herein.